Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fresno LDS Temple

Oct 2, 2010

Oct 10, 2010 Kidlets, 2 & 4, make-believe that tiny leather-bound dictionaries are ‘missionary books.' During playtime, they pretend they run missionary schools, and ‘bapertize’ children when they’re 8 years old.

Feb 20, 2011
I taught today’s priesthood lesson. ‘Life offers two precious gifts – one is time, the other freedom of choice.’ - D. Todd Christofferson. Sunday School examined John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world…’ In Sacrament, a women’s trio number included, “Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, nor can the mem’ry find, A sweeter sound…’ It was perfect. (So too was the homemade taco feast the good Cavanaugh family shared! - - heh, I couldn’t let Elders Tua’itanu, Moreno & Riley snarf it all by themselves:) Sundays are the best!!

Feb 19, 2011
I’m scheduling bishop’s appointments today for Sunday. I enjoy it because it allows me to interact with both members and our local church leader. He’s a wonderful man with a big heart, Bishop Wadsworth. He has an impressive speaking voice with a likeable Utah accent/drawl. He’s also lots of fun to be around.
He inspires me every week as I observe his discipline, energy, intelligence, and personal concern for the struggles of people under his watch.
He reminds me of Luke 6:45 ‘A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good…’
A Logan UT native, he’s professor emeritus of communicative disorders at CSUF, has a master’s in education from Utah State and a doctorate from BYU. I’m lucky to know him.
(Burstall photo. Cake mix by Dahv)

Feb 13, 2011
"The true key to happiness is to labor for the happiness of others."
Ward conference today was so good. Our choir sang twice, and Relief Society made so many plates of goodies for 'linger longer,' including PB&J on homemade wholegrain! Primary youngins everywhere. Fun stuff. Great Sunday, and there's plenty of Sunday left.