Thursday, October 25, 2012

Welcome, Emma!

Oct 11, picking up Hannah from school
Oct 18, stork arrives :)

Oct 27

Ninjas for Halloween! Costume design by uncle. Fabric remnants by mommy.

Tiggers make the best uncles

All together in August

Always time for a kiss!
3 Js together again on Aug 21, 
providing caregiving to grandma
& welcome help to Dahv
Yummy stromboli, specialty of chef Jess
Toweling off post swim

Pool time for frogboy superhero

Birthday fun at 6 & 86

Visit to L.A. Temple during 6-yr-old's birthday week in Aug! 
One lobby exhibit about church humanitarian work 
depicts the Madera vineyard & bishop's storehouse raisins, 
familiar sites to papa.
At the temple, Hannah drew & emailed digital art to papa.
Birthday girl's favorite color!
Barbie's family

Apr 20...Great-grandma turns 86!


Family watches Katie's game in Clovis on Apr 9

Garden bounty in Pgh & CA

Container garden in PA looks awesome! 

From CA garden on Aug 4
Veggies BEFORE washing, same day :)

Visit from Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania daughter visits the homestead 
for a week in early spring
Getting feline hugs on Mar 6

Trying on different outfits from donated clothing on Mar 5


Jackpot! Finding eggs outside on Apr 8
Picture time after church
Easter baskets full on Apr 8
Poolside coloring Easter eggs
Yay! Easter popcorn treats from Pgh aunt

Trip to Emergency

Family from L.A. visit for a fun week in the Spring! 
The weather rainy, days mostly filled 
with Redbox cinematic adventures & shopping for garden plants 
until . . . 
a serious fall in the garage on Apr 11.
The fall caused enormous ankle swelling & unbearable pain. 
Due to Jenn's pregnancy, paramedics summoned.
In emergency waiting room, sweet uncle reassures worried kidlets broken bones

Yay! Free to go home on crutches with ankle boot.



Rest-eyes time