Saturday, November 24, 2012

Patterns of love for Thanksgiving

Quote of the day: 
"Does this plaid make me look like Papa?  Papa gives the best hugs in our whole family. It's because he's always warm.  Papa gives big and warm hugs." -Hannah
Nov 24
Plaid in Pgh: Love u miss u lots, xoxo  Wish u were here
Nov 21

Sleepy Family
Nov 16

Mormon, Book or Broadway?

(Email from mommy Jun 17, 2012)
This morning Ben and I walked Hannah over to kindergarten.  On the way home from school, the sidewalk got really crowded so Ben and I were stuck behind two older ladies who were talking very loudly about the Tony Awards.  One of the ladies says to the other, "Hey have you heard about the Book of Mormon [play]?  It's coming to LA."  To which Ben shouts out in a very loud and very excited voice, "They're talking about the Book of Mormon!  I love the Book of Mormon!  It's all about Jesus!"  
The ladies turned around to see where that voice was coming from, only to find little Ben-Ben with a huge smile on his face.  I think they got a kick out of his sweetness and fervor.  They called him a "cutie," and then let us pass by on the sidewalk.
Only four years old, and already spreading the Gospel.  That's my little man!


Ben says his favorite scripture stories are "Daniel and the Lion King" and "Elmo the Younger" :-)

Quoting him Oct 20, 2011

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Welcome, Emma!

Oct 11, picking up Hannah from school
Oct 18, stork arrives :)

Oct 27

Ninjas for Halloween! Costume design by uncle. Fabric remnants by mommy.

Tiggers make the best uncles

All together in August

Always time for a kiss!
3 Js together again on Aug 21, 
providing caregiving to grandma
& welcome help to Dahv
Yummy stromboli, specialty of chef Jess
Toweling off post swim

Pool time for frogboy superhero

Birthday fun at 6 & 86

Visit to L.A. Temple during 6-yr-old's birthday week in Aug! 
One lobby exhibit about church humanitarian work 
depicts the Madera vineyard & bishop's storehouse raisins, 
familiar sites to papa.
At the temple, Hannah drew & emailed digital art to papa.
Birthday girl's favorite color!
Barbie's family

Apr 20...Great-grandma turns 86!


Family watches Katie's game in Clovis on Apr 9

Garden bounty in Pgh & CA

Container garden in PA looks awesome! 

From CA garden on Aug 4
Veggies BEFORE washing, same day :)

Visit from Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania daughter visits the homestead 
for a week in early spring
Getting feline hugs on Mar 6

Trying on different outfits from donated clothing on Mar 5


Jackpot! Finding eggs outside on Apr 8
Picture time after church
Easter baskets full on Apr 8
Poolside coloring Easter eggs
Yay! Easter popcorn treats from Pgh aunt

Trip to Emergency

Family from L.A. visit for a fun week in the Spring! 
The weather rainy, days mostly filled 
with Redbox cinematic adventures & shopping for garden plants 
until . . . 
a serious fall in the garage on Apr 11.
The fall caused enormous ankle swelling & unbearable pain. 
Due to Jenn's pregnancy, paramedics summoned.
In emergency waiting room, sweet uncle reassures worried kidlets broken bones

Yay! Free to go home on crutches with ankle boot.



Rest-eyes time