Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mormon, Book or Broadway?

(Email from mommy Jun 17, 2012)
This morning Ben and I walked Hannah over to kindergarten.  On the way home from school, the sidewalk got really crowded so Ben and I were stuck behind two older ladies who were talking very loudly about the Tony Awards.  One of the ladies says to the other, "Hey have you heard about the Book of Mormon [play]?  It's coming to LA."  To which Ben shouts out in a very loud and very excited voice, "They're talking about the Book of Mormon!  I love the Book of Mormon!  It's all about Jesus!"  
The ladies turned around to see where that voice was coming from, only to find little Ben-Ben with a huge smile on his face.  I think they got a kick out of his sweetness and fervor.  They called him a "cutie," and then let us pass by on the sidewalk.
Only four years old, and already spreading the Gospel.  That's my little man!

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